Thursday, December 15, 2016

Diary of a Drifter-House 3b-Chapter 2-Life goes On

It wasn't long before Mom started to visit us and we updated her about our lives.

Dashawn wants to be a body builder but he is going to have to learn to do a whole lot more exercise than just run to the school bus when he oversleeps in the morning.

The teenage girls have been inviting themselves over to get close to him. Magdalena Fyres was the first one to visit but I don't think Dashawn liked her too much.

He ended up hiding in the bathroom until she left.

The next day Rachael Patel came knocking at our door while I was doing my gardening.

They seemed to get along better.  It's nice to see that Dashawn's love life is going well but mine is a different story.  I need to find someone to help me continue on with this legacy but things aren't going so well.

Kayden came to deliver the mail today and I tried talking with him but he just didn't want to be bothered.  It was like I was annoying him or something.  There is one problem he is the only one who is in the same life stage as me.  The other two men I'm seeing are both older men.

My second choice was Luciano Merchant who is a gardner.  He certainly is attractive enough however he is very snobbish and he already admitted to being afraid of making committments.

Than there is the guy with the Harry Potter glasses who I already extended an invitation to move in with us.  His name is Israel Foster and he is a DJ.  The Harry Potter glasses will be the first thing to go when he moves in.  Nothing against those glasses as they are great for Harry but they don't do anything for Israel.

Authors Note:

Here is Israel after his makeover.  To be honest I still haven't chosen between the three yet eventhough she moved Israel in.  I do need cowplant essences and I don't like risking my heir for them.

  1. Create a 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom home worth at least $40k Simoleons (after Depreciation) 
  2. Complete the Angling Ace Aspiration on the Main Sim 
  3. Achieve level 10 of the Gardening skill on the Main Sim 
  4. Achieve level 10 of the Fishing skill on the Main Sim 
  5. Upon reaching level 10 in both Gardening and Fishing you may now Build or Place a Park on the Desert Bloom Park Lot in Oasis Springs. 
  6. Acquire the Cowplant and collect 5 unique Essence potions by interacting with the Cowplant 
  7. Produce and raise an Heir to the Young Adult lifestage


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks he does look nice and a good option for Everly.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. He did turn out nicely after I gave him a makeover.

  3. Israel looks great after his make over.

    1. Thanks. I knew Israel had some good DNA but I needed to change things to bring that out.

  4. Aww nice Erica is stopping by to 'visit'. Cute Dashawn is getting interested in the ladies. :)

    Israel looks much better after his makeover. Good luck this round :)

    1. Erica visits often. It seems that she is still taking care of her babies one way or another. The teenage girls actually came on their own. He didn't have to call them.

      Thanks After doing this house three time I'm going to need the luck and thanks about Israel's makeover.

  5. I like the makeover you gave Israel!

    1. Thank you so much. I knew Israel had some good looks they just needed to be brought out.
